The series of anthologies Drama Panorama presents contemporary foreign-language plays in German translation. It is published by Neofelis Verlag in cooperation with the organisation Drama Panorama: Forum for Translation and Theatre e. V. The first anthology of Czech drama will be published in early 2018.
The anthology International Queer Drama will bring alternative artistic positions and non-binary realities in contemporary drama into focus. Besides researching and publishing international queer forms of theatre, the anthology will also focus on creative translation practices and strategies.
For this edition, we are looking for new international plays with queer perspectives that explore new narratives of gender and identity, thereby creating space for the emancipation from outmoded patterns of thinking. We aim to shed light on the structures that exclude and suppress individuals who do not comply with the heterosexual or binary gender norm. We also welcome formats that rethink cohabitation and desire, scrutinise structures of power and portray strong female characters or characters identifying as women.
We look forward to receiving your contribution before February 15th 2018 to and
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