Drama Panorama is a forum linking the work of theatre translators and playwrights with theatre practitioners and theatres. It organises workshops, readings and panel discussions on topics related to international theatre exchange.
The aim of the project is to create an open forum for German and international theatre translators, to establish a dialogue with theatres, and to campaign for the recognition of translators in the theatre-making process.
Theatre translation is an interactive process and should be further developed with theatres; our work helps to explore new ways of working together in practice. We hope that in the long-term this will result in a network of translators, playwrights and theatre practitioners (directors, actors, dramaturgs). We would also like to give young translators the chance to learn more about their craft, talk to experienced translators and benefit from their knowledge.
We use various different formats to pursue these aims, e.g. readings, panel discussions, guest productions, workshops, etc.
Ruth Altenhofer, Claudia Amor, Dorothea Arnold, Eduard Bartoll, Hannes Becker, Sigrid Behrens, Marianne Behrmann, Barbara Anna Bernsmeier, Henning Bochert, Thorolf Bochert, Charlotte Bomy, Irina Bondas, Sofiane Boussahel, Corinna Brocher, Daniel Brunet, Johanna Carl, Andrea de Koning, Miriam Denger, Luisa Donachie-Bach, Anna Eble, Elmar Engels, Cornelia Enger, Zuzana Finger, Anna Galt, Niki Graça, Yvonne Griesel, Carola Heinrich, Renate Hess, Sabine Heymann, Ruben Höppner, Petra Huber, Hedda Kage, Irena Katadžic, Ann-Kathrin Kutscher, Tyler Langendorfer, Monica Marotta, Maria Milisavljevic, Kate McNaughton, Mehdi Moradpour, Franziska Muche, Christa Müller, Lydia Nagel, Matthias Naumann, Maira Neubert, Antje Oegel, Anna Opel, Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau, Michaela Prinzinger, Janina Reinsbach, Yanik Riedo, Katharina Rösch, Katja Roloff, Charlotte Roos, Antonia Ruhl, Thomas Sauerteig, Barbora Schnelle, Mira Lina Simon, Adina Stern, Ulrike Syha, Dorotty Szalma, Anna Szostak-Weingartner, Sula Textor, Iwona Uberman, Andreas Volk, Katja von der Ropp, Lisa Wegener, Frank Wenzel, Karen Witthuhn, Claudia Zecher
Board Henning Bochert, Charlotte Bomy, Anna Galt, Barbora Schnelle, Karen Witthuhn
Drama Panorama: Forum für Übersetzung und Theater e. V. is a registered non-profit association. You can find our charter here.
We are grateful for donations and will be happy to provide you with a receipt for tax purposes. More information here.
Email: info@drama-panorama.com
Internet: www.drama-panorama.com