All posts tagged “stage

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Guest Performance by the Lachende Bestien Theatre (Prague)  on the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution on October 1st, 2019 at 19:30 in the Czech Centre Berlin The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Berlin, the Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin, the Prague Lachende Bestien Theatre and… Read more

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Erwin Axer

Earlier on this forum, Michael Kleineidam reviewed the excellent publication on the great Polish theatermaker Erwin Axer, published by the Polish Theater Institute in a remarkable, bilingual (Polish-German) edition (including some translations by our member Andreas Volk). The Polish Theater Institute has now published the… Read more

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Call for Queer Plays

The series of anthologies Drama Panorama presents contemporary foreign-language plays in German translation. It is published by Neofelis Verlag in cooperation with the organisation Drama Panorama: Forum for Translation and Theatre e. V. The first anthology of Czech drama will be published in early 2018.… Read more

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Eurodram: Selection 2017 global

Eurodram – European network for drama in translation 2017 Honours – Selection of translated texts Eurodram, European network of scripts-in-translation, is delighted to announce the selection of the 2017 translated texts, recommended for production and publication. These texts have been chosen by the 281 members… Read more

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Translating is a tricky business

A short interview by the Union des Théâtres de l’Europe with our member Yvonne Griesel on translation and surtitling: 1. What are the differences between translating a play and specifically translating for the stage? The biggest difference is that the starting point of the translation… Read more