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Eurodram in Vienna

Staged readings of Eurodram’s 2015 selection

On 31 May, Eurodram, the European network for drama in translation, was able to present its selection of plays in German translation at the Nationaltheater Mannheim. I would like to thank the theater again; we are particularly ingratiated to the members of the German language committee, Stefanie Gottfried, Inka Neubert, and Sandra Schüddekopf. I reported about the event here.

After this success there is now an opportunity to witness a new presentation of the selection at Vienna’s Theater Drachengasse. While we were very happy to be able to welcome playwright Maria Tryti Vennerød (THE EXAMINATION) in Mannheim. Now, we hope to welcome Andreas Volk, translator of Malgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk’s THE SUITCASE, in Vienna. Our thanks go to: Katrin Schuricht and the Theater Drachengasse, Sandra Schüddekopf and Milena Michalek for staging the readings, the actors Alexander Braunshör, Barbara Gassner, Lisa Schrammel, Thomas Stolzeti as well as acting students of the Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität (Vienna Conservatory Private University): Teresa Maria Hager, Sören Kneidl, Felix Kreuzer, Eleni Stampfer, and Constanze Winkler.

We are looking forward to see you there.

Tryti Venneroed, Syha

Tryti Venneroed, Syha

European Drama
Theater Drachengasse
Fleischmarkt 22
A-1010 Wien

16 November, 2015, 6 pm

Find more information about Eurodram here:

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