All posts tagged “Bochert

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Drama Panorama: Forum für Übersetzung und Theater e. V. welcomes Jean Graham-Jones We are very much looking forward to welcome our colleague Jean Graham-Jones from the United States for this discussion. In an information talk, she and Henning Bochert, translator of numerous American plays, will… Read more

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Drama Panorama in Prague

20/11/2016 – 8 pm In their 8@8 series during the 21st Prague German Language Theatre Festival, the theatre Letí will be showing Barbora Schnelle’s translation of Maxi Obexer’s ILLEGAL HELPERS (in Czech: ILEGÁLNÍ POMOCNÍCI) as a staged reading. On this occasion, representatives of Drama Panorama… Read more

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Andrea Stolowitz at ETB

In November 2014, we presented the American playwright Andrea Stolowitz and her play ITHAKA at the Theatersalon of the Berlin MimeCentrum. Until July 2015, Stolowitz will be in Berlin as a DAAD scholar and artist-in-residence at English Theater Berlin. Since April, she has been writing… Read more