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Drama Panorama’s Festival “New Translations of International Drama”

Actors and actresses Noureddine Friedrich Chamari, Naomi Abukha, Hannah Ley and Felix Römer in thei rreading of Tomáš Ráliš’ Sorex (Czech Republic), on 27/05/23 | Foto: Emil Laaß

Our Festival New Translations of International Drama at the English Theatre Berlin was a success on the last weekend in May. Despite the Theatertreffen, the Karneval der Kulturen, all happening at the same time, and beautiful, theatre-unfriendly weather, the festival saw many visitors. It was wonderful to experience such a variety of theatre texts and aesthetics together and to be able to learn more about their respective theatre landscapes and cultural contexts. Once again, the public conversation with translators proved to be an ideal instrument to discuss international theatre texts and their environments.

Discussions focussed on how to bring translated theatre texts to the German stages, how for some languages that may be more difficult than for others, and why more visibility of texts from other languages is required. We were very happy about the lively exchange among the playwrights as well as between playwrights and translators and the audience. Some patrons stayed at the English Theatre for the entire day to enjoy nice drinks, sit in sun and chat with us. The reading of Yunior García Aguilera’s play from Cuba was a special highlight, as very many Cubans were present and it was obvious, how important it is for the community to have a public platform.

We would like to thank the English Theatre Berlin, the three directors Daniel Brunet, Eberhard Köhler, and Panni Néder for their great and intensive work to each stage three very vivid, theatrically worthy readings, furthermore all actresses and actors and our guests and, of course, our funding partners, the German Translators Fund (DÜF) and the Neustart Kultur government programme.

Schauspieler*innen Philipp Droste, Sarah Günther, Iringó Réti in der Lesung von Yunior García Aguileras Stück Jacuzzi (Kuba), am Sonntag, den 28.05.23 | Foto: Finn Seemann

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  1. Pingback: looking Back: Between Languages – Henning Bochert

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