All posts tagged “Drama

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TRASHBUS – Balkan Stories #3

Here is a message from Trashbus we would like to share: Friday, October 23rd, 2015, 8 p.m. @ Sputnik Kino Bar, Berlin-Kreuzberg We will present Stevo Lopov’s short play “Arme Sau Mensch” (Bosnia, 2014) at Sputnik. Stevo Lopov is my alter ego. I needed to… Read more

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The new online magazine of YOUNG EUROPEAN JOURNALISTS is now available. The e-zine is part of the TERRORisms project of the Union des Théâtres de l’Europe. Drama Panorama had a translating and coordinating role in the e-publication that accompanied the TERRORisms Festival at Schauspiel Stuttgart.… Read more

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“stammtisch” in July

The FIRST WEDNESDAY of the month draws near – we will see you as usual at the “3 Schwestern” restaurant at Kunstquartier Bethanien. STAMMTISCH / REGULARS’ TABLE Every 1st Wednesday of the month 1-2 pm “3 Schwestern” Restaurant Kunstquartier Bethanien Mariannenplatz 2 10997 Berlin

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Andrea Stolowitz at ETB

In November 2014, we presented the American playwright Andrea Stolowitz and her play ITHAKA at the Theatersalon of the Berlin MimeCentrum. Until July 2015, Stolowitz will be in Berlin as a DAAD scholar and artist-in-residence at English Theater Berlin. Since April, she has been writing… Read more

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Interview with Dominique Dolmieu

The British portal NiteNews published an interview of German playwright and translator Ulrike Syha with Eurodram initiator Dominique Dolmieu. Dolmieu relates details about the history of the Eurodram network and its current activities. The interview was conducted in English.