with Katharina Rösch and Henning Bochert
All posts tagged “playwright”
Kateřina Rudčenková: Zeit des Kirschrauchs (The Time of Cherry Smoke) Staged reading and discussion with Czech playwright Kateřina Rudčenková Thursday, 15th June 2017, 19:00 Czech Centre Berlin, Wilhelmstraße 44, 10117 Berlin In the festival series, “Ein Stück: Tschechien”, Drama Panorama e. V. and the… Read more
Eurodram: Selection 2017 global
Eurodram – European network for drama in translation 2017 Honours – Selection of translated texts Eurodram, European network of scripts-in-translation, is delighted to announce the selection of the 2017 translated texts, recommended for production and publication. These texts have been chosen by the 281 members… Read more
In spring 2016, Henning Bochert translated Sivan Ben Yishais play YOUR VERY OWN DOUBLE CRISIS CLUB. Since Sivan wrote this play in English, while her native language is Hebrew, the translation process was unusual. In order to document this, the translator talked with Sivan about… Read more
stammtisch in the sun
This is how nice it was on 07 September. Thanks everybody for coming, particularly the new faces.
EIN STÜCK: TSCHECHIEN 2016 (New Czech Plays 2016) – Press Release
Press release for the festival 22nd and 23rd June 2016, Berlin Contemporary plays from the Czech Republic in Berlin: Drama Panorama e. V. and the Czech Centre Berlin present a two-day festival of contemporary Czech drama – Ein Stück: Tschechien 2016..
Eurodram – Selection 2016
The German committee of EURODRAM, the network for European drama in translation, now announced their 2016 selection.
ONE YEAR IN BERLIN – Stolowitz/Bochert on Howlround
During her residency in Berlin, Andrea and I discussed our respective theatre realities. Now we are very happy to announce that our conversation on aesthetics in playwriting has been published on Howlround. A slightly longer version (and its German translation) can be found here.
Stolowitz and Bochert on Playwriting
Andrea Stolowitz and Henning Bochert wrote an article on playwriting in the U.S. and in Germany. HOTreview now published a longer version.