All posts tagged “barbora

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A look back at SCHUDOMA: Ich bin zu Hause

Schudomastraße is located in Berlin-Neukölln, in Bohemian Rixdorf, where the first Protestant refugees from Bohemia came in 1737 to escape persecution in their home country. The Bohemian Brethren community still exists there today. The street is named after the 19th-century local politician Johann Schudoma. We… Read more

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Drama Panorama in Prague

20/11/2016 – 8 pm In their 8@8 series during the 21st Prague German Language Theatre Festival, the theatre Letí will be showing Barbora Schnelle’s translation of Maxi Obexer’s ILLEGAL HELPERS (in Czech: ILEGÁLNÍ POMOCNÍCI) as a staged reading. On this occasion, representatives of Drama Panorama… Read more