Henning Bochert’s article on 100 YEARS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD, the series of theatre events at the St. Petersburg Theatre of Generations (Teatr Pokoleniy) to mark the 100th Anniversary of the October Revolution, has now been published in The Theatre Times. Thanks to Kate McNaughton… Read more
All posts filed under “Comment”
Call for Queer Plays
The series of anthologies Drama Panorama presents contemporary foreign-language plays in German translation. It is published by Neofelis Verlag in cooperation with the organisation Drama Panorama: Forum for Translation and Theatre e. V. The first anthology of Czech drama will be published in early 2018.… Read more
“67/871” – article in Neues Deutschland
Photo: Teatr Pokoleniy Neues Deutschland newspaper reports on our production 67/871 about the Leningrad Blockade – Tragedy and Myth in an interview with director Eberhard Köhler: http://tinyurl.com/y8tpna2e The show will celebrate its premiere on Friday, 08 September 2017, in the Theater unterm Dach in Berlin.… Read more
In spring 2016, Henning Bochert translated Sivan Ben Yishais play YOUR VERY OWN DOUBLE CRISIS CLUB. Since Sivan wrote this play in English, while her native language is Hebrew, the translation process was unusual. In order to document this, the translator talked with Sivan about… Read more
Translating is a tricky business
A short interview by the Union des Théâtres de l’Europe with our member Yvonne Griesel on translation and surtitling: 1. What are the differences between translating a play and specifically translating for the stage? The biggest difference is that the starting point of the translation… Read more
Carlos Murillo and Henning Bochert: Playwright, Text, and Director in US Theater
This brief exchange between Carlos Murillo and Henning Bochert was published on HowlRound.com July 06, 2014. About Carlos Murillo: Carlos Murillo, *1971, is the author of numerous plays that have been produce by various theatres across the United States. He teaches playwriting and acting at… Read more
Eurodram – Selection 2016
The German committee of EURODRAM, the network for European drama in translation, now announced their 2016 selection.
ONE YEAR IN BERLIN – Stolowitz/Bochert on Howlround
During her residency in Berlin, Andrea and I discussed our respective theatre realities. Now we are very happy to announce that our conversation on aesthetics in playwriting has been published on Howlround. A slightly longer version (and its German translation) can be found here.
Stolowitz and Bochert on Playwriting
Andrea Stolowitz and Henning Bochert wrote an article on playwriting in the U.S. and in Germany. HOTreview now published a longer version.
Eurodram recommends Guimarães
With enthusiasm, the network for European drama in translation, Eurodram, most recently recommended Carla Guimarães’s play DIE UNGLAUBLICHE GESCHICHTE DES MÄDCHENS, DAS LETZTE WURDE for production. Author Wolfgang Barth emphasized the delightful, top-notch translation by our member Franziska Muche. You will find the review with… Read more