R.E.A.D. #6
Reading EuropeAn Drama Festival Helsinki
R.E.A.D. Reading EuropeAn Drama Festival spreads out in downtown Helsinki in autumn 2019. In its sixth year the festival presents new drama from around the Globe, and brings together international theater artists living and working in Finland.
R.E.A.D. is formed as an arena that offers an opportunity to experience plays which have never seen on stage before in Finland. Previous festival programs can be found from www.theatrecollective.com.
We are looking for new plays (written in the last 3 years) to be translated into Finnish to be performed as a reading drama. We prefer to receive texts translated into English for the selection board.
Plays can be submitted until 15.04.2019 to: read@theatrecollective.com.
Contact and more info:
David Kozma +358442370653
Salla Kozma +358505213334
European theatre collective
Reading EuropeAn Drama Festival
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