presented by Henning Bochert The entertaining plays by Canadian playwright Nicolas Billon provide surprising plots and smart dialogues. Apart from their entertaining value, his texts often feature another characteristic: he employs other idioms than his working language English. These languages then introduce a certain exotic… Read more
All posts tagged “panorama”
Guest Performance by the Lachende Bestien Theatre (Prague) on the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution on October 1st, 2019 at 19:30 in the Czech Centre Berlin The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Berlin, the Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin, the Prague Lachende Bestien Theatre and… Read more
Stammtisch on 1 November 2017
Stammtisch? Today? Of course: as usual at 13-14 o’clock at the “3 Schwestern” restaurant at Kunstquartier Bethanien. See you there Your Panoramistas
67/871 LENINGRAD BLOCKADE – Press release
Photo: Teatr Pokoleniy 67 Stories from 871 Days of the Blokada Documentary theatre by Elena Gremina Directed by: Eberhard Köhler A co-production by Drama Panorama e. V. (Berlin) and Teatr Pokoleniy (Saint Petersburg) Theater unterm Dach Friday 08.09.2017, 8.00 pm