Guest Performance by the Depresivní děti touží po penězích Theatre Group
Ein Stück: Tschechien – Festival for New Czech Theatre 2023
Saturday, 9th September, 2023 | 8 pm
English Theatre Berlin I International Performing Arts Centre, Fidicinstr. 40, 10965 Berlin

A production in collaboration with Ukrainian women actors who sought refuge in the Czech Republic.
Critics have celebrated this production as the most meaningful comment on the war on Ukraine in the Czech Republic.
The stories of the great heroes of the Trojan War have been burnt into our memory – but we usually forget the women who survived it. What will happen once the war is over? And what will begin again? The characters of the Trojan women are played by Ukrainian actresses without men.
This modern adaptation of the classical tragedies The Trojan Women and Hekabe, directed by Jakub Čermák, with the leading roles performed by Ukrainian women who have found temporary asylum in the Czech Republic, puts its main focus not on the current military conflict, but on the victims of war in general.
Written by: Euripides
Director: Jakub Čermák
Stage and Costume Design: Pavlína Chroňáková
Music: Petra Horváthová
Choreography: Becka McFadden
Performers: Inna Bovkun-Mishakina, Sofiia Brahina, Kapitolina Kolobova, Olena Lebanina, Daria Novikova, Yulia Pershuta, Kateryna Polietaieva, Maryna Snarskaya, Maria Tatarynova, Věra Timofeeva
Premiere: 10.09.2022
In Ukrainian with English and German surtitles.
Surtitles: Kate McNaughton, Barbora Schnelle
Edited by: Henning Bochert
The Depresivní děti touží po penězích theatre gang was founded in 2004 with stage director Jakub Čermák as its artistic director. Their work operates between the genres of happening, performance, site-specific theatre, video art and acting. They often take the classics and adapt them. They also experiment with immersive formats – the spectators of Bordel L’Amour (2018), for example, were presented with various kinds of love in private rooms. In 2020, Čermák received the Czech award for innovative theatre, the Česká divadelní DNA for his contribution to new theatre, and in 2021, his video adaptation of Camus’ Plague entitled (MEMENTO) Mor, received the theatre critics’ award for the best theatre piece during the pandemic.

Tickets: Please click on the link to Reservix. Ukrainian citizens pay a reduced price.
Artistic Directors and Production Managers of the Ein Stück: Tschechien Festival: Barbora Schnelle and Henning Bochert
PR: Augustin PR
A production by Drama Panorama: Forum für Übersetzung und Theater e. V. in collaboration with the English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center, the Czech Centre Berlin and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Berlin, funded by the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery, the Culture Ministry of the Czech Republic with the Plán národní obnovy programme. Supported by the English Theatre Berlin I International Performing Arts Centre.